
2008-09-01 7:41 pm

1. 我們也要知道舊客戶為公司帶來的收益。舊客戶的折扣率是由他們的年期計算的,他們的年期越長,折扣率越高。客戶的折扣率也會直接影響公司的收益。
2. 我們建議使用職責領域和工作數量衡量人手數目。這讓我們有效地招募人手的數目,避免浪費資源和增加成本。
3. 為了提升營業員對產品、行業、推銷技巧服務技巧等的認識,我們會安排有關課程給營業員,務求提升他們各方面的知識這會視符學員人數實施個別函授,還是開班授教。
4. 我們要制定一套可行的市場和銷售評估方法,這有助我們了解推廣成效。市場評估主要是計算目標對象的光臨人數。銷售評估主要是計算營業員的業績。
5. 我們評估銷售表現主要使用銷售量和銷售額,分開兩者評估的好處是因為兩者會出現不同的情況,例如減價促銷會增加銷售量,但會降低銷售額。

回答 (2)

2008-09-01 11:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. We also know that the old customers for the company's earnings. Old customer discount rate by the year of their terms, they and the longer the period, the higher the discount rate. , The discount rate will directly affect the company's earnings.
2. We recommend the use of areas of responsibility and work to measure the number of staff numbers. This allows us to effectively recruit the number of staff to avoid wastage of resources and increase cost.
3. In order to enhance sales of products, industry, service skills, marketing skills of understanding, we will arrange courses for business, to enhance their knowledge of all aspects of this website will be depending on the number of implementation of individual correspondence, or the opening of the award.
4. We have to develop a viable marketing and sales approach, which will help us to understand the effectiveness of the promotion. Market assessment is calculated the number of target audiences presence. Sales assessment is calculated sales performance.
5. We assess sales performance was mainly the use of sales and sales, two separate assessment of the benefits because there will be two different situations, such as price promotions to increase sales, but will reduce sales.
2008-09-01 10:17 pm
1. We have to know how much incomes are brought by our present customers. The discount rate for them should be calculated by the period of relationship established. The discout rate will affect our company's profit directly.

2. We suggest using the scope of work and workload as indicators for recruitment. This enables us to employ new staff effectivly in order to save cost and resources.

3. To enchance the performance, including knowledge of products and the industry, sales skills and customer service skills, of our sales colleagues, we will arrange training course for them. The training will be delivered individually by distance learning or in group by workshop, which denpends on how many person in need of training.

4. We have to established a practical system of reviewing our sales and marketing strategies to better understand the effectiveness of our promotion campaign. Marketing review will bases on the number of customer visited our shop, while Sales review on the performance of our sales team.

5. Sales figures, such as number of product sold and the amount of selling income, will be reviewed to evaluate the performace of our sales team. The merit of using 2 sets of figures is that different situations affect these 2 figures differently. For example, promotion by discount will boost the number of product sold but the selling income may be lower.

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