Is Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew a dictator?

2008-09-01 7:43 am
TMy friend from Singapore told me that there has never been free media and free speech in the country, Lee, is using the law to silence anyone that speak against the regime.

If that is true, Lee is indeed a dictator! How come I never heard the west critizing the human rights of singapore?

回答 (3)

2008-09-01 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I guess the reason why he's not criticised as much as say the Junta of Myanmar is because, despite these censorship and lack of freedom of speech, the lives of Singaporeans have increased so much.

In comparison to the neighbouring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, Singapore has really managed to accumulate a lot of wealth and improved the standard of living for it's people.

So the citizens are usually contented and seldom make any noise about a lack of human rights.

But things are slowly but surely changing in Singapore
2008-09-01 3:14 pm
Lee is a very strong and dedicated leader. Sets very high standards for himself as well as for the country that he loves. He's highly respected by everyone and no one is above the law so why should he tolerate any criticism which may lead to riots or discontentment of his country.
2008-09-01 2:48 pm
MY Singapore friend says that Lee is a bad leader, but not a dictator. H eurles for himself, not for his state.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 23:21:03
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