For f(x) = 8x – 9, find f(-3)?

2008-09-01 6:01 am

回答 (5)

2008-09-01 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案

f(x) = 8x - 9
f(-3) = 8(-3) -9
= -24 -9
= -33

Hope that helps.
2008-09-01 6:21 am
f(x) = 8x - 9
f(-3) = 8(-3) - 9
f(-3) = -24 - 9
f(-3) = -33
2008-09-01 6:15 am
Okay, so if f(x) = 8x - 9, you must replace x with - 3 wherever it appears in the function in order to get f(-3):

f(-3) = 8(-3) - 9
= -33 (final answer)

Hope this helps!
2008-09-01 6:06 am
Just replace x with -3 in the equation, f(-3)=8(-3)-9=-24-9=-33
2008-09-01 6:04 am
f(-3)= 8(-3)-9=



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