want to study product design in the university?

2008-08-31 3:45 pm
if i want to study product design in the university, do i really need Art for my A-level, and i only take AS Design & Technology, does it really matter?

but i didn't do full A-Level DT

回答 (2)

2008-08-31 4:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My brother is studying it and just did a full A-level in Product design (and 2 other subjects), not art. A-level Design and Technology will probably be mostly the same though.
2016-04-11 6:01 pm
POpulation growth is something that Doomsday fanatics have been talking about for years. It was once believed that the Human population could not exceed 4 billion because there wouldn't be enough space on Earth for everyone to live and still be able to eat or even breath. Currently the population is around the 6 billion mark and I for one can still breath and there's still food. In fact there's feilds that are being left fallow for the next year or two so a higher quality of food can be produced. We as a spiecis have the ability to think and plan for future events. No other animal has that ability or at least to the extent that we have. A squirle for example isn't storing nuts because it knows winter is coming and has to make sure it has enough for the whole winter, like a nut a day. It stores food because it's programed into it's DNA and instincts. I've recently read reports, not by a single "scientist" but ones that were published by a large group that actually really researched the situation and came up with the model that if we DO NOT improve our current food, housing and basic scientific understanding, that the Human population can reach about 12 billion before we reach serious problems. So it takes us about 10 years to grow by a billion and that's not counting the fact that the world population is rather top heavy meaning that there are alot more old people than young ones. Honestly there will be problems that pop up, no one will see them coming and they will be eventually delt with. We will continue to grow as a people and our population will grow as well.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:15:47
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