How can I work my lower abs?

2008-08-31 3:11 pm
preferably some type of crunches

回答 (3)

2008-08-31 3:31 pm
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These are the best exercises I have found:

Lay down on your back with your legs straight out, then prop yourself up on your elbows, letting your arms/hands lie just under your torso, next bring your knees up toward your chest, once they are to your chest push up and out in a circular motion with your legs and bring them back in towards your chest - more or less making circles in the air with your feet. 2 sets of 20 reps

Lay on your back, put your arms/hands under your butt. Bring both legs up so your body is now making an L shape. Then slowly and it must be slowly - lower one leg towards the ground but do not touch the ground, let your leg lower until it is just hovering above the ground and then return it to the starting position. Then do the same with the other leg. When you are done with this one you will most certainly feel it in your lower abs, your hip flexor, sometimes the butt and sometimes the legs. 2 sets of 20 reps

Planks are also really good- they also really help with those love handles! Flip over to your stomach and prop yourself up on your elbows - so that your entire forearm is touching the ground. It is similar to a push up position but you should be resting on your elbow/forearm, the only way this exercise is effective though is if you maintain a flat back - from your head all the way down to your toes should be as straight of a line as possible. Try holding this position for thirty seconds than rest thirty and hold thirty. I usually do them until I can't anymore.

These will all do wonders!
2008-08-31 3:17 pm
lie with your back to the floor and put ur legs flat on the ground.

Then raise both your knees into your chest do 10 reps you will feel the burn.
2008-08-31 3:20 pm
Absolutely crunches. The correct way to do this is to lay down on the floor, knees bent with your heels close to your butt. Put your hands behind the back of your head, and then lift your body until your lower back just clears the floor. Knee lifts also help firm up your lower abs. Aerobic exercises such as stair climber, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, and running also indirectly work on your lower abs.

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