How do I convert a decimal to a fraction? such as, .344?

2008-08-31 1:23 pm

回答 (5)

2008-08-31 1:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
0.344 = 344/1000 = 43/125
2008-08-31 8:31 pm
= 0.344
= 1,000/1,000(0.344)
= 344/1,000
= (344/8)/(1,000/8)
= 43/125

Answer: 43/125
2008-08-31 8:29 pm
Multiply it by a 100 to get a percentage i.e 34.4%, convert this into fraction to get 34/100 and then simplify it, 17/50.
2008-08-31 10:35 pm
= 0.344 x 1000/1000
= 344/100
= (344/8)/(1000/8)
= 43/125
2008-08-31 8:41 pm
344/1000 = 43/125.

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