
2008-09-01 6:41 am
i searched in the internet and found that a lot of causes of 陰道出血 becoz of the sexual act or pregant. but i hv neither both..then wt's the prossible cause of 陰道出血happened on me?
and wt's the effect of it?

really scared! please tell..

回答 (4)

2008-09-25 2:43 am
你係咪未同人做過愛??? 係既就要用隻手狂插下佢插到出水 每日要出2,3次 痛都要頂住 1係就搵人同你做下愛
2008-09-07 12:48 am
go to see doctor
2008-09-01 6:48 pm
2008-09-01 3:23 pm
MSN to me, let me help you.
here is not a good place to discuss too much that things.
[email protected]

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