
2008-09-01 5:39 am
i m a girl and will get married shortly.

1a. my mom would like to know, how to write the invitation card to her elder sister family? she has husband and kids.

1b. my mom would like to know, how to write the invitation card to her 2nd younger brother family? he has wife and kids.

1c. my mom would like to know, how to write the invitation card to her 1st younger brother family? her 1st younger brother has passed away but he had wife and kids.

2a. my father would like to know, how to write invitation card to his younger brother family? he has wife and kids.

2b. my father would like to know, how to write invitation card to his elder brohter's family? his elder brother was passed away but he had wife and kids.

2c. my father would like to know, how to write invitation card to his younger sister family? his younger sister was passed away but she had husband and kids.

2d. my father would like to know, how to write invitation card to his elder sister family? she has wife and kids.

2e. my father would like to know, how to write invitation card to his young sister family? she has wife and kids.

actually, i also want to know how to write invitation card when my honey has similar problems. thank you.

回答 (1)

2008-09-02 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you follow Chinese tradtition, no matter the ralative is on your mother's side or your father's size, use your father as the 1st person to ackowledge the addresee. And the addressee is always the oldest married man in that family.

For your mother's elder brothers, use襟兄陳文文先生台啟 (next line) 闔府統請 (Use this for your mother's big sister too, but address to the sister's hasband)

For your mother's yonger brothers, 襟弟陳小文先生台啟 (next line) 闔府統請 ( For the brother who passed away, use the same title but put a sqaure around his name)

For your father's elder brother : 賢兄李大明先生台啟 (next line) 闔府統請 ( For the brother who passed away, use the same title but put a sqaure around his name)
For your father's younger brother:賢弟李小明先生台啟 (next line) 闔府統請
For your father's elder sister: 姐夫xxx先生台啟 (next line) 闔府統請

For your father's younger sister: 妹夫xxx先生台啟 (next line) 闔府統請 (doesn't matter that your anut has passed away)

these greeting also applied to the groom's familiy.

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