Revision......(5points)英文高手plx come in!!!!!!!急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!

2008-08-31 7:08 pm
1. a little/ to play with/ Every child/ them./ has/ playmate/ unseen

2. Mr Wong/ his own/ said that/ to the moon./ and went/ spaceship/ made/ he

3. Maggie left all the books in the locker yesterday, so she couldn't do her homework.


and why??? (and why the answer is A / B / C)!!!!!!!!!!!!@.@



3. Maggie left all the books in the locker yesterday, so she couldn't do her homework. A.Correct B.Wrong See whether 'so' is used correctly in the following sentences. 即係話個'so'字用得correct or wrong!!!!!! ˇ.ˇ

回答 (2)

2008-08-31 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Every child has a little unseen playmate to play with them.
2.Mr Wong said that he made his own spaceship and went to the
3.B.Because she left all the book in the locker,so all her book would
at her home ,so she could do her home work.
參考: have not
2008-08-31 7:48 pm
who are you???
回答者: nick3nff ( 小學級 5 級 )
回答時間: 2008-08-31 11:31:49]

2008-08-31 11:52:04 補充:
3.[the answer is A.Correct]!!!!!

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