為免觸犯奇摩知識所謂的智慧財產權, 請指正我的發言內容那裡觸犯智慧財產權.
知識問題: (http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1508082904267 )
邦喬飛的It's my Life-Unplugged版
Bon Jovi: It’s my life – unplugged 2007
Tyson Ritter & Nick Wheeler
黑頭髮和Bon Jovi唱歌那位是誰
Tyson Ritter
See http://www.interscope.com/artist/news/default.aspx?nid=8164&aid=435&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=rss&utm_medium=News&utm_content=nid_8164 .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvjtI_pKnVw .
所貼網址 (1): 新聞網址 (2): Youtube
觸犯智慧財產權是觸法的. 我想要確定我到底有沒有違犯法律.
To Jeff: 人問的是這首歌在一開始出現的兩個人是誰,我回答Tyson Ritter & Nick Wheeler. 人問的是這首歌黑頭髮和Bon Jovi唱歌那位是誰,我回答Tyson Ritter. 與歌曲版權無關.
我貼了2個網址 (1): All American Reject 的新聞網址 (2): Youtube 我的美國律師朋友說可連結, 只不知臺灣是否看法不同, 請就臺灣法律和我個案予以解釋.
我的美國律師朋友說可連結這2個網址, 請到這2個網址察看.
To Jeff, "所以官網會有這樣的動作是可以理解的" 請問官網指誰? 奇摩知識?
To Scott, 所以問題出在於提供Youtube的連結, Bon Jovi 可告Youtube侵犯智慧財產權. 非常奇怪,美國這麼愛訴訟的國家,怎麼會坐失起訴Youtube的良機,這可是可告Youtube告到破產的.可賺取大筆金錢的機會.
我的回答已被移除, 所以沒有觸台灣法律. “不過若是在台灣你有提供連結,那麼確實就有違反智慧財產權的可能” 請問可否就”若是在台灣你有提供連結” 詳細說明. 是指台灣網站嗎? 奇摩知識是美國Yahoo的關係企業,適用嗎 我是美國公民, 沒有觸犯美國法律, 台灣法規可適用嗎?
To Scott: 你的例子,小六女童擅自以公開播送、展示之方法,侵害他人之著作財產權罪。我的回答只提供Youtube 網址, 可否相提並論.
By the way, Section 512(c) is what protected YouTube by a "notice and take down" system when they host user content. If someone notices an infringing copy of something on YouTube, that person can write a letter to YouTube and demand it be taken down.
Then, so long as YouTube acts "expeditiously" and so long as YouTube wasn't already aware that the material was there, YouTube is in the clear.
Thanks 流浪貓再活病院 's input. The reason that I am asking is that in American, it is not against the law for what I've done by providing the web site address. I've talked to my attorney about that already.
Thanks 流浪貓再活病院 's input. The reason that I am asking is that in American, it is not against the law for what I've done by providing the web site address. I've talked to my attorney about that already.
Since I don't live in Taiwan and don't use Taiwan's IP address, and don’t provide any web site addresses on any web site in Taiwan.
I just wanted to make sure that when I answer questions in the future in Yahoo Knowledge that I do not accidentally commit any crime since I do not know the Taiwanese law at all.
With this case, it is interpreted differently between Taiwan and America, especially that YouTube is in America and Yahoo is also an American company, so I have some doubt around the jurisdiction.
Thanks to Scott for your thorough answer to help me to understand the difference in law between Taiwan and America and how/when it can/will apply. I know that I didn't violate the law and I do respect the law in Taiwan and that's why I post this question.
To 流浪貓再活病院, 貼〝優兔〞的網址,在知識+裡面確實屬於違反規定行為 => Not exactly, because my neighbor can post his home video and give me permission me to link the site and I do not violate the law of copyrights at all.