
2008-08-31 7:04 am
我想問一間小型工程有限公司年結大約要多少錢? 年結最貴是去度多少錢? 除了年結,仲有什麼錢要付?

回答 (4)

2008-08-31 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
公司年結要多少錢視乎公司規模, 業務複雜性, 單據是否整齊等, 一般為 HK$4,000 - HK$10,000。

除了年結, 每年還需繳付商業登記費及公司註冊處呈交年報, 這些都必須準時繳交, 過期需要罰款。
參考: 如有問題, 歡迎 e-mail [email protected]
2008-09-01 8:30 am
2008-09-01 3:06 am
My firm is located at Wanchai. We professional services to our client and the fee is very competitive.

For your case, I think the fee will not be high.
Please send email to: [email protected]

I will give you a special discount. I hope you can give me more information
related to your company via this email or leave your contact no. at my email
for the purpose of call back you to talk the details.
2008-08-31 9:23 am
年結主要支出在會計及報稅方面, 費用數千元起, 但要看看你實際單據有多少, 可以聯絡我作一個報價給你電郵 [email protected], 謝謝!

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