
2008-08-31 6:02 am
In chapter 1,Chanel No.5 in a simple,square bottles.I think a new brand design for the perfume must be creative by yourself.I will use a pentagon.In China,pentagon means the King's crown.It is the most highest glory of China.Then,I think the perfume color can be charged to green.Green means environmental,nature and good for our eyes.The components use natural plants and flowers so the perfume have different nice smell.For example,reed,rose and chrysanthemum.Anyway,I think creative ideas will attract more customers.

回答 (3)

2008-08-31 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
In chapter 1,Chanel No.5 in a simple,square bottles.I think a new brand design for the perfume must be creative by yourself.唔係好明你呢幾句想講乜, 係咪想話新牌子最好自已創作個樽呢? 但係點解又要話in chapter 1呢? 估計係你對某人講過嘅某些嘢嘅回應, 估且試吓改動如下:

Although the simple, square bottle of Chanel No.5 is very classic, I think it would be better to design your own bottle for the new brand. Suggest to use a pentagon shape bottle as pentagon was a symbol of king's crown in China, (老實講, 唔係好知五角形喺中國係代表皇冠, 因為唔多覺以前D皇冠有五角形, 可能係我孤漏寡聞, anyway, 唔使再加highest glory嗰句, 因為大概冇乜嘢巴閉過皇冠) then it would be nice to have the bottle in green colour, because green gives people sense of nature. (唔使講good for your eye, 困為顏色同consumer's eyes無咩關係, 就算嗰個人好鐘意綠色都只係可能吸引佢買, 而唔係good for eyes) Last but not least, ingredients need to be made from natural material like flowers or plants, what to be used depends on what consumer group you are targeting. Anyway, creative idea for packaging is the first step to attract customer.

P.S. Components 係解組件, 呢度應該要用ingredient至啱.
參考: Myself
2008-08-31 10:14 am
In chapter 1, Chanel No.5 was put in a simple (no “,” needed because you are using 2 adjectives (simple and square) to form an adjective phrase, which is totally acceptable) square bottle. I think a new brand design for the perfume must be created to make it unique. I will use a pentagon (?? – shape of bottle ?) shape bottle. In China , pentagon represents the King's crown. It is the (no most, you are already using “highEST”) highest glory in China. Then, I think the perfume color can be charged to green. Green always link our imagination with the environment, nature and it is also good for our eyes. The components shall use natural plants and flowers so the perfume have different nice smells fused together. For example : reed, rose and chrysanthemum. Anyway, I think creative ideas will attract more interests from the customers .

Hi, I have a few comments on this article. If this is just a grammar practice then I think we have covered them on above. But for the article itself, I have several suggestions :
- In China , pentagon means the King's crown. It is the most highest glory of China – I am not really sure whether your argument is correct with regards to pentagon. But even if you are correct, do you think that the glory of a king in China will attract woman to buy the perfume ? When you write an article always remember your target, that is, what do you want to achieve. Obviously your above article is want to tell people how they can make changes on Chanel No.5 so that it can be more attractive. So, I think the core of your article should always relate to the topic.

2008-08-31 02:16:28 補充:
- Then for green – green does not = the environment or nature. But it is true that when people talks about green, they are always talking about environmental. But, is green an important factor for perfume ? Moreover, who will look at a bottle of perfume for a long time ?

2008-08-31 02:16:44 補充:
- Components – I think for composition which is actually imagination it is no harm to change the components of the perfume to make it more attractive.

2008-08-31 02:17:14 補充:
But you want to be also correct in reasoning, then you have to remember each perfume has an unique smell, and that is the selling point of that perfume. Changing the smell does not seem to be a suitable change. If this is an imaginary article, then it shall not be a problem.
參考: Myself
2008-08-31 6:11 am
In chapter 1, Chanel No.5 in a simple, square bottles. I think a new brand design for the perfume must be creative by you. I will use a pentagon. In China, pentagon means the King's crown. It is the highest glory of China.Then; I think the perfume color can be charged to green. Green means environmental, nature and good for our eyes. The components use natural plants and flowers so the perfume has different nice smell. For example, reed rose and chrysanthemum.Anyway, I think creative ideas will attract more customers.

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