
2008-08-31 4:55 am

回答 (2)

2008-08-31 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
This report was about Olympic Games gold medallist Guo Jingjing, Li Xiaopeng, yesterday and so on Yang Wei visits Hong Kong ......The content refers to many Hong Kong people to want to contact with the athlete, therefore with $200 will go to the athlete to go to the food lunch the place food buffet, some people pai will return outside the dining room, hoped that lovable will arrive at them shortly. I thought that China has these that good athlete to think really arrogantly, if does not have them, China cannot certainly can attain first in the gold medal announcement, hoped that their next Olympic Games will attain a better result.

2008-08-31 5:00 am
This report was about Olympic Games gold medallist Guo Jingjing, Li Xiaopeng, yesterday and so on Yang Wei visits Hong Kong ......The content refers to many Hong Kong people to want to contact with the athlete, therefore with $200 will go to the athlete to go to the food lunch the place food buffet, some people pai will return outside the dining room, hoped that lovable will arrive at them shortly. I thought that China has these that good athlete to think really arrogantly, if does not have them, China cannot certainly attain first in the gold medal announcement, hoped that their next Olympic Games will attain a better result.
參考: 自己翻釋英文意思

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:33:02
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