How to say that in English

2008-08-31 12:21 am
去程車票<---how to say that?

for e.g.: 回程車票 = return ticket

many thanks for anyone could help!

回答 (3)

2008-08-31 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I know!

Departure ticket!

2008-08-30 17:00:49 補充:
回程車票= Return ticket
That's right!

But usually, most traffic have both services included in the fare.
參考: me
2008-09-01 1:50 am
去程車票= just ticket. no need to be (departing,xxxxx,blablabla) ticket.

There are only two kinds of tickets that we usually buy, single trip or round trip, I can't think of in any case we will buy a 'return ticket'. maybe there is some place that does not provide round trip ticket, you have to buy both individually.
2008-08-31 12:43 am
may be

depart ticket

2008-08-30 16:48:58 補充:
i make a mistake
return ticket is the meaning of return and depart
so there is no a work oppsite to return ticket
參考: myself

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