
2008-08-30 11:54 pm
我想返HK買手機去US用, 可唔可以介紹邊部機好? 大約幾多錢?

最緊要係喺美國 (T-mobile) 用得, 同埋接收得好.

我住係US, 我想知道HK有咩新款手機可以介紹.

回答 (2)

2008-08-31 7:05 am
hi, all 三頻或四頻手機 from HK, can be used in USA, specially using in AT&T and T-mobile, cos they are using GSM network in USA.
接收得好 is depending the network and location in USA, not cause of the cellphone, actually all cellphones are good. normally the reception (network) in Center City are excellence in GSM. If ur location is very far away (or even though in the farmland ...), use the versizon is the best, cos they are in CDMA format here. However, if ur location is only the suburban (just like me), GSM is working good. :)

2008-08-30 23:07:52 補充:
the price of cellphone depends on the updated models or outdated models. if u are not crazy person, I would like to suggest u to buy the outdated models, they must be cheaper at HK$1500-2000.
參考: Living in US
2008-08-31 6:00 am
四頻多數屬高刑號,價錢較貴.但 in-case 你想唔用 T-mobil, 可以用 AT&T.
買個時除咗試機仲要睇清楚說明書是否有GSM1900. 有網友買咗部 Nokia 1680 classic. 不論店員或者 Nokia 網站都話係四頻.但美國收唔到.打去 Nokia 嘅 customer service, 一句 Sorry!話網站寫錯咗,應該只係兩頻.話明書寫得好清楚甘話.個電話已徑帶咗嚟美國,是否俾佢激死?

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