幫我作一篇英文日記,很急,即日要(20分!!!) (70字)(唔好回D教訓)

2008-08-30 8:14 pm
幫我作一篇英文日記,很急,即日要(20分!!!) (70字)(唔好回D教訓)

回答 (2)

2008-08-30 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
30 AUG 2008
Today is the second last day of Summer Holiday.I still played the computer games instantly I ate my breakfast untill evening,and talk to my friend on call. I felt a bit sad because I need to work hard again very soon.However,I have played so much at the Summer Holiday,I should accommodate the study life again. So I planned a timetable at night.I hope that can help me to study harder!
2008-08-30 8:39 pm
日記係啲好個人化嘅嘢, 梗係最好自己寫啦! 仲有呀, 都唔知你有啲乜嘢經歷? 點幫你寫呀? 你都傻傻地嘅! 仲好鬼懶潻!

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