
2008-08-30 7:48 pm
1.)The manager will OK your request for leave

The manager will OK your leave request

2.) (adj)前面是否一定要加(v)??

3.)for 同埋 of 後面係咪一定跟名詞(n)??

回答 (3)

2008-08-30 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. First of all the meaning of the two sentences will not be different. But we never use OK in these sentences. We should say :
The manager will approve (not OK) your leave request.
2.) (adj)前面是否一定要加(v)?? - no. Example :
She is a beautiful girl - in this sentence : a (article) is put in front of beautiful (adj).

3.)for 同埋 of 後面係咪一定跟名詞(n)?? - yes, it should either be a noun or noun phrase.
參考: Myself
2008-08-30 8:26 pm
2008-08-30 8:06 pm
其實The manager will OK your request for leave.同The manager will OK
your leave request.個意思差唔多。而adj前面不是加v,adv前面才是加v。

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