什麼是 fast fourier transform ??

2008-08-30 7:25 pm

佢與 wavelet analysis 又有什麼關係,
此外, 如果想了解它們多d, 要有什麼的基礎知識 ??


有參考書 / links 嗎

謝謝 !!

多謝--> 源, 你的回覆 此外, 有人知道什麼是寫程式 source code 嗎? 佢同寫程式的 syntax 文法又有d 咩唔同 ?? 唔知 syntax , d 人點寫 source code 呢??

回答 (2)

2008-08-31 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fast Fourier Transform is just a term for a method to calculate Fourier Transform.

The Fourier Transform itself is a transformation from a function f(t) to another function F(w).

As math, it does not have a meaning. In practice, f(t) is usually a function of time. That means it is a waveform. F(w) is function of frequency. In short, you input w (a frequency) and F(w) gives you the amplitude of this frequency in the original waveform.

For example, if someone talk in high pitch, you may not notice anything special in the recorded waveform f(t). But after transforming to F(w), if you plot a graph of F(w) you see high values in high frequencies.

The wavelet analysis is a similar concept but deeper. Therfore you need to know Fourier Transform first.

Reference book (if you are university student in engineering field):
Introduction to communication systems
Stremler, Ferrel G.
2008-08-30 8:32 pm

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