Not sure if im lesbian or bisexual?

2008-08-29 8:54 pm
I know ive always liked girls. So im definitely not straight.
Now heres the confusing thing; i sometimes will look at a guy, and like.. try to be them? like small things i notice, ill try to copy. like Frank Iero, He has a bunch of tattoos. I want everyone of them. I look at him a lot, but all i really want is to be like him, is this because i want girls to look at me?
so then there is the sex part:
Im a virgin, But sometimes ill think about having sex with a guy, but i think its because thats the only way i know when it comes to sex. Like.. i dont know what its like. I dont think about the guys body at all, i just think about the sex? And im not turned on by a guys body, only girls. and i think about having sex with girls too, but its just weird, because.. im unexperienced? I only want to have sex with girls. So whats the deal?

And no, im not saying its all about sex, but i mean with guys, relationship wise, its boring, and im never like.. into the guy, its really just dull in boring. And then with a girl im always happy, and i feel 'butterflys' in my stomach.

回答 (30)

2008-08-29 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
just be both, its easier that way
參考: sui
2008-08-30 3:59 am
You are 110% normal Lesbian
even straight girls think about sex with other girls
and it is just a curisoity try it once if you really like it then you are Bi
2008-08-30 4:00 am
you are most def a lesbian and would agree that you only look at boys to see what makes them attractive to girls.Im straight and i look at girls sometimes but i dont get turned on by them just like you dont get turned on my are fine you seem to know what you are so just be yourself and let nature take its course and girls can have sex just like a guy-girl couple would you just have to buy the luck have fun and be safe..
參考: tons of lesbo bi and gay friends
2008-08-30 4:13 am
Human sexuality is not absolute. Studies have shown that very few people are 100% straight or gay. Most people lie somewhere in between these two extremes. Judging from your description, you are much more lesbian than straight, perhaps 95% lesbian and 5% straight. I have had straight women friends who confided in me that they had fantasized about making out with a girl. You will feel more comfortable with your sexuality when you grow older. There may even be a lesbian support group in your area where you can meet women in the same situation as you. In the meantime, don't worry and be happy.
2008-08-30 4:07 am
Girls are just plain nicer too look at... I am bi and i know that for a fact. i am married to a man, but in high school and thought my 20s i was sexually turned on by men as much as women.... But you know i don't think i even thought about sexuality or who i wanted to have sex with until after i started having sex. (I was 15, which is too young i think but... for me it was the right time, we are all different)

I would say don't cut off all of your options or label yourself just yet. I did not call my self Bi until I was 26. at that point i had 11 years to sort it out and know it was not that i liked just guys just girls or just one or two "special"girls. I was Bi for sure. I did not call myself straight either. I really did not think about labeling myself, and i have never cared what others thought. I guess it was when i was getting ready to get married that i really thought about it...

I have a share point questions for computer peoples;_ylt=AjiEr1T.JzZMbZiGtl7.W8rsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828211555AAizqmW
參考: Me, Myself and I
2008-08-30 4:04 am
People are just born straight gay lesbian bisexual etc. From what you gave me you might be a lesbian. Try to ignore the incredibly rude comments and just realize people are just born that way and you can't do anything about it. Try having sex with a guy and see how it is.
2008-08-30 4:03 am
From my understanding (having lesbian family and friends), being bisexual is a "transitional period." You're USUALLY one way or the other, but right now you're are at the point where you feel guilt, so you're fighting to stay "normal" but also want to be true to yourself. OR you're just a very sexual person and just want both sexes. However, from what you said I think you're a lesbian (slowly coming out). Hope this is helpful!
2008-08-30 4:02 am
We don't even know your name much less your sexual preference. When the time comes you will know. In the meantime just lighten up. You are not required to have sex this month or this year or either sex or both sexes.
I am told it is not unusual for youngsters to experiment with same sex, but I didn't so I don't have a clue.
Enjoy what you have left of childhood - You'll have the rest of your life after age 20 to commiserate about all the decisions and ills of the world.
2008-08-30 4:02 am
How exactly do you think about having a sex with a guy but not think about his body. The penis (like it or not) is attached to them.

Ever heard of strap ons and dildos? That will solve your dilemma. Porn helps.
2008-08-30 4:02 am
You're a lesbian. I'm a straight female and I check out other females to see what they are doing. You are the dude half of a lesbian couple just as the other poster said.

Date awhile before you mark up your body. Find out what lesbian girls are looking for.

There must be a few books on being a young lesbian. They might prove helpful to you.
2008-08-30 4:01 am
I would say that your a lesbian

It sounds like you want to be with woman more then men. If your bisexual i guess you look and both and think about both the same and opposite and how it would be like to have sex with both. Now im straight so i'm not sure if this was good enough advice but i hope it helped

p.s another thing is just think about it have you EVER looked at a guy as cute. If not then you are definatly a lezbian

♥- Amber

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