
2008-08-30 6:21 am
請問St Paul Co-edu中英數分細班,是否set 1是最top,如此類推??

回答 (2)

2008-09-06 2:33 am
There are seven classes in each form, students from ABC are divided into set 1,2,3 and 4. As for students fromm DEFG are divided into set 5,6,7,8 and 9.
Last year, set 1 and set 5 were for the best students, set 4 and 9 were for the worst students. The standard of students from set 23678 were very equal.
(Note: But in the next year, only set 6 english students can be upgraded to set 5, so there MIGHT be a little difference...)
As for this year, set 1 and set 5 are still the best sets, but my previious chinese and maths. teachers told me that set4 and 9 were no longer the worst sets, 6789/234 are having equal standards.
But for ENGLISH, I'm not very sure, as my friend who has got average or even satisfactory results is not dropped to chi and maths set 9, but still she isn't in english set 9.
For any other questions, you may send them to:
[email protected]

2008-09-05 18:35:08 補充:
I suppose you are a spcc student, so you may send to sp20076861 through it-school.
參考: Me as I'm a student of SPCC.
2008-09-01 4:43 am
Chinese and maths don't divide into sets,but english.Thereis totally nine sets, set1-4 is better and set 5-9 is worser.

2008-09-03 18:42:49 補充:
Sorry the last answer i type is wrong. CHINESE and ENGLISH and MATHS is divided into nine sets. Class 2a-2c is better that they use set 1-4 while class 2d-2g is worserthat they use set 1-9.

2008-09-03 18:42:59 補充:
This year, the best set is set 1 and the second is set five while set 2-4 and set 6-9 is the third standard.Dont trust another answer of odilialo as i am a student in SPCC. It is real!!! I vowed(發誓) for this.

2008-09-03 18:44:27 補充:
Please choose me as the best answer.
參考: , me

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