
2008-08-30 1:32 am
請問有限公司股份轉讓是由會計師或是律師辦理? 費用多少? 需要交印花稅嗎?
如何計算? 謝謝~

回答 (2)

2008-08-30 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
有限公司股份轉讓可由會計師樓或是律師樓, 或者秘書公司辦理都可以, 亦都可以自己辦理。

要交印花稅, 印花稅為股票轉讓的代價或其價值的0.1%, 以較低者為準的兩倍 + $5
參考: 如有問題, 歡迎 e-mail [email protected]
2008-08-30 7:29 am
My CPA firm (會計師) is located at Wanchai. We can provide you the transfer of share services with very reasonable price. I need to know more about
your existing situation and you should give me more information, such as:

whether any latest audit financial statement on hand
No of share transfered

I hope that you can give me more information to follow up our case and give you our quotation.

Please send email to: [email protected] or leave your telephone no. to me

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