
2008-08-29 11:10 pm
He is not available to play the football with you.


或者幫我將呢句中文翻譯成英文~~ A有d事唔得閒同你踢足球。

回答 (4)

2008-08-30 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
He is not available to play the football with you.

He is not available to play football with you. ( 多咗個 the, 踢波冇指明要踢邊個波, 所以冇 the 字)
A has something to do that he is not available to play football with you.
2008-08-30 6:49 am
hi... ur sentence is right. u also can say in another ways ...
1. he doesn,t have time to play the football with you
2. he can,t play the football with you because he has something to do
參考: Living in US
2008-08-29 11:19 pm
He isn't free to play football with you
參考: 自己
2008-08-29 11:17 pm
Not any question. That's a right sen.

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