Vocabulary...(2points)英文高手plx come in!!!!!!! @.@ ~.~

2008-08-29 9:07 pm

Choose the best answers.

1. Who is most likely to use a wheelbarrow?

A.a student
B.a doctor
C.a builder

2. Where is the most likely place to find a vacuum cleaner?

A.the beach
B.a country park
C.a house

And Why???(why the answer is A/B/C)

回答 (5)

2008-08-29 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. C

A wheelbarrow(單輪手推車) is a small hand-propelled vehicle, usually with
just one wheel. You can always find it in a worksite, so that a builder is
most likely to use it.

2. C

A vacuum cleaner(吸塵機) is a device that uses an air pump to create a
partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from floors. Therefore a
house is the most likely place to find a vacuum cleaner.You just simply can't
use a vacuum cleaner to clean up a beach or a country park.
2008-08-29 9:27 pm
1. C
wheelbarrow解釋手推車。 所以,梗係builder起屋時先用wheelbarrow。
2. C
vacuum cleaner解釋吸塵機,而吸塵機通常放喺屋企。
2008-08-29 9:21 pm
I think the answer is 1.C
2008-08-29 9:16 pm
1. C
wheelbarrow=手推車 Builders have to use wheelbarrows to transport building materials.

2. C
vacuum cleaner=吸塵機 We use vacuum cleaners to clean our houses, and they are seldomly used to clean open areas.
參考: me
2008-08-29 9:16 pm


2.vacuum cleaner是吸塵器

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