
2008-08-29 9:04 pm

Bill Gatesn was born on october 28,1955 in a wealthy Seattle family.He was a naughty but gifted child.At 13,he began programming in the BASIC language.By the time he was 17,Gates had sold his first program-a school scheduling system.The deal brought him US $4200.

Gates and his Harvard classmate Paul Allen established Microsoft's in1975.Gates was convinced that software would be more important than hardware.Microsoft's big break came in 1980.That year,Gates and his casually dressed young colleagues signed an agreement with IBM to provide operating system MS-DOS for new personal computers.The executives at IBM never knew what hit them.

In March 1986,Microsoft stock went public in one of the most celebrated offerings of its time.By the nexy year,the company's soaring stock price had made Gates the youngest self-made billionaire at age 31.
Microsoft lagged behind Netscape in devloping a commercial Internet browser.But it later gained the upper hand in the browser market after a battle that some of its competitors demonstrated that it was a monopoly.

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2008-08-29 9:37 pm
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1975年,蓋茨和他的哈佛同學的保羅艾倫建立了微軟。蓋茨確信軟件很重要,於是他來了個比hardware.microsoft奇摩大的突破。在1980年,蓋茨和他穿著年輕的同事簽署了一項協議,與IBM合作以提供操作系統女士- DOS的新的個人computers.the高管在IBM從來不知道什麼擊中他們。

在1986年3月,微軟股票公開上市,在其中一個最有名的產品,其time.by該nexy年,該公司的股票價格飆升取得了蓋茨最年輕的自製億萬富翁, 31歲。
微軟落後的Netscape在devloping商業互聯網browser.but ,後來又得到了佔了上風,在瀏覽器市場後,一戰,它的一些競爭對手表明,它是一種壟斷。
2008-08-29 9:11 pm
bill gatesn出生於10月28,1955在一個富裕的西雅圖家庭.他是一個頑皮,但資優的小孩.13歲時,他開始規劃一個基本語言系統,17歲,蓋茨出售了他的第一個綱領, -一所學校調度系統的處理帶來了他的美國四千二百美元。

蓋茨和他的哈佛同學的保羅艾倫建立了微軟的in1975.gates確信,軟件會更重要,比hardware.microsoft奇摩大突破來在1980.that年,蓋茨和他隨便穿著年輕的同事簽署了一項協議,與IBM合作以提供操作系統女士- DOS的新的個人computers.the高管在IBM從來不知道什麼擊中他們。

在1986年3月,微軟股票公開上市,在其中一個最有名的產品,其time.by該nexy年,該公司的股票價格飆升取得了蓋茨最年輕的自製億萬富翁, 31歲。
微軟落後的Netscape在devloping商業互聯網browser.but ,後來又得到了佔了上風,在瀏覽器市場後,一戰,它的一些競爭對手表明,它是一種壟斷。

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