lose 50lb help ?

2008-08-28 7:40 pm
i weight 118 and i am 12 and i am 4 foot 8 i want to weight 70 - 85. how long does it take to accomplish this and what do i have to do. tell your friends please.

回答 (6)

2008-08-28 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7
p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on your
initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If you don't
eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey cakes, you
don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your diet is
still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to calculate points or
to buy special meals or plans.
2008-08-29 3:06 am
The best way to lose the weight at your age is to get outside more. If you play the XBox, or PS3, etc... then instead of that go ride a bike, play some ball, just about anything. Cut back on soda and candy or cake. Don't start drinking diet soda. Not really that good for you. Drink juices full of Vitamin C like orange or grapefruit, they're good for helping your body burn fat. Add some more water to your diet.
Start with a smaller goal, like to be 110 in 3-4 weeks. Once you reach that goal make a new one. 3-4 pounds a week max is all you should lose in a typical week. Just try to eat healthy, and not stuff yourself until you are full, just until comfortable. You are definitely still growing, so don't try something like starving yourself to lose the weight. Just pay attention to what you eat, get out and play more, and you should be good. Don't worry about getting down to an exact weight, if you get down to like 90 and you feel real good they stick with that. If you are getting more exercise you might be building muscle which is heavier then fat.
2008-08-29 2:58 am
you are only 12?go play sports!dance and learn martial arts...avoid all junkfood,fastfoods and sugary drinks...dont be lazy..you need at least 5 months to safely lose so much fat...
參考: lost 60 lbs in 5 months
2008-08-29 2:51 am
Go buy some "Sea Silver" on line or at a "Sturdee " health food store. Its vitamins and all kinds of good stuff for the body. It is not a weight loss product but you do lose weight. Your parents wont have any problems buying it for you because its healthful and if your mom starts taking it you'll have to buy two bottles cause she wont want to stop.
2008-08-29 2:46 am
you are 12 and you post this question online!
so cool, man! :)

my friend is a wellness coach and she can help you with those questions.
50lbs is not a problem, I saw many successful cases coached by her.
please add her msn : [email protected]
or call 012-5160323

hope you find it useful.
2008-08-29 2:45 am
You do NOT need to loose 50 pounds. Come on man.. I'm a female at 5'10'' that weighs 220 and I'm trying to get to 190. You need to just work out a bit and eat healthy and you will get where you need to go.. not to anorexia.

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