
2008-08-29 4:22 am



回答 (2)

2008-08-29 3:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 中型及大型會計師樓因為會有較多資源, 所以請人時無要求一定要會計系畢業, 大學畢業就可以應徵. 但小型會計師樓因為資源少, 請人多數一定要會計系畢業.
2. 畢業後條路比非會計畢業生行快幾步, 而且公司選擇比較多. 就算你不做會計行業, 都可以嘗試應徵其他要求商科畢業的工作.
3. 是. 但當你就讀他們提供的課程, big4會要求你短期內不可離職, 否則要付分手費. 某間big4的分手費好象是$30,000.
4. 一: 傳媒日日夜夜洗腦, 再加上香港是商業城市, 所以有d人可能覺得讀會計前途好, 香港需要好多會計人才, 但事實是否這樣就值得商榷. 二: 增進自己對商業的知識, 擴闊國際視野, 但現時商科大學生的國際視野亦糟人批評. 三: 覺得會計實用, 學識點製作同點睇財務報表, 就算撈唔到會計師都可以應徵會計文員及其他相關工作(例如: 政府助理評稅...)

2008-08-29 20:56:52 補充:
如果你想做會計師, 我始終建議你大學讀會計. 因為會計系可以豁免其他國際會計試卷, 就算你唔係香港做會計, 考國際試都方便好多. 雖然中大型資源較多, 但將來是否仍會請非會計系畢業生仍是未知之數. 不過, 就算讀會計亦未必代表會計知識一定比非會計畢業生好. 有一年香港會計師公會獎學金(還是QP相關獎項)的得主是工程系畢業生.

大學會計同LCCI唔一樣. 大學會計學乜之前有講, LCCI學財務會計及管理會計, 而且比大學會計容易, 距離專業會計還有很遠距離.
2008-09-02 10:11 am
1. If you want to be an accountant, it is not a must your first degree must be in accountancy.

2. I presume you want to be a qualified accountant in HK, then you will take the exam organised by HKICPA. Certain accounting courses in Universities can have exemption to certain exam papers. In other words, if you take accounting as your major subject, you will have a chance to become qualified accountant faster than other non-accounting classmates. Of course it depends if you can pass the remaining exam paper in one go.

3. Big 4 have high demand on fresh graduates for their jobs in PRC. So they have to recruit non-accounting student as well. In fact, the most valuable thing in joining big 4 is the exposure to handling big client, on job training and reputation. The in house course can be replaced by other similar courses offered by say PolyU etc.

4. Good question. It is funny to tell you I take accounting in University just because a lot of classmates said it is the most difficult subject to enter, it offer you better future, it guarantee you more than one offer when you graduate. At last I followed them and take accounting. After several years working as an accountant, I build up interests in it. I then enrol a master degree in accountancy. I studied some interesting case and questions. say how the accounting book of a farm different from a factory? Don't forget hen lay eggs. Eggs become chicken. Chicken become hen. How we reflect these in numbers and in book? Sound interesting?!

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