Help me (20 Fun)

2008-08-29 2:29 am
Circle the wrong possessive adjectives. Write the correct ones on the lines.Put a @ if the sentence is correct.

1.Lily makes hisbed every day.

2.Can you show me their membership card?

3.Mr and Mes Ko never argue with their neighbours

4.Every morning Mr Siu Drives to its office.

5.I always finish your homework before having dinner.

6.My cat waves my tall when it is hungy.

1.Lily makes his bed every day.

回答 (3)

2008-08-29 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Lily makes (his) her bed every day.

2.Can you show me( their) your membership card?

3.Mr and Mrs Ko never argue with their neighbours @

4.Every morning Mr Siu drives to (its) his office.

5.I always finish (your) my homework before having dinner.

6.My cat waves (my) its tail when it is hungy.

2008-08-29 3:00 am
1.Lily makes his(HER) bed every day.

2.Can you show me their(YOUR) membership card?

3.Mr and MRs Ko never argue with their neighbours @

4.Every morning Mr Siu Drives to its(HIS) office.

5.I always finish your(MY) homework before having dinner.

6.My cat waves my(IT'S) tall(TAIL) when it is hungy.
2008-08-29 2:38 am
1.Lily makes her bed every day.

2.Can you show me their membership cards?

3.Mr and Mrs Ko never argue with their neighbours.

4.Every morning Mr Siu drives to his office.

5.I always finish my homework before having dinner.

6.My cat waves my tall when it was hungy.


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