
2008-08-28 11:27 pm
[edit] Popularization
Following the arrival of the Europeans, tobacco became increasingly popular as a trade item. It fostered the economy for the southern United States until it was replaced by cotton. However following the American civil war, a change in demand and a change in labor force allowed the inventor James Bonsack to create a machine which automated the production of cigarettes.

This increase in production allowed tremendous growth in the tobacco industry until the scientific revelations of the mid-1900s.

[edit] Contemporary
Following the scientific revelations of the mid-1900s, tobacco became condemned as a health hazard, which eventually came to encompass as a cause for cancer, and other respiratory and circulatory diseases. This led to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) which settled the lawsuit in exchange for a combination of yearly payments to the states and voluntary restrictions on advertising and marketing of tobacco products.

As the industry's downward tumble continued, in the 1990s Brown & Williamsons cross-bred a strain a tobacco to produce Y1. This strain of tobacco contained an unusually high amount of nicotine, nearly doubling its content from 3.2-3.5% to 6.5%. This prompted Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use this strain as evidence that tobacco companies were intentionally manipulating the nicotine content of cigarettes.

In 2003, in response to tobaccos growth in developing countries, the World Health Organization (WHO)[12] successfully rallied 168 countries to sign the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The Convention is designed to push for effective legislation and its enforcement in all countries to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco. This led to the development of tobacco cessation products.

回答 (1)

2008-08-28 11:30 pm
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隨著科學的啟示中1900年代,煙草,成為譴責作為一個健康的危害,最終來到涵蓋了作為一個事業,癌症,和其他呼吸系統和循環系統疾病。這導致煙草總和解協議(生活津貼) ,解決了訴訟,以換取相結合,每年支付給國家和志願的限制,廣告及市場推廣煙草產品。

作為業界的繼續向下翻滾,在20世紀90年代,布朗& williamsons交應變煙草生產y1 。這株煙草載了非同尋常的高數額的尼古丁,幾乎增加一倍,其內容從3月2日至3月5日%至6.5 % 。這促使美國食品和藥物管理局( FDA )要使用此應變作為證據表明,煙草公司故意操縱菸鹼含量的香煙。

2003年,在回應煙草發展中國家的增長,世界生組織(誰) [ 12 ]成功反彈168個國家簽署煙草控制框架公約。該公約旨在推動有效的立法和執法,在所有國家,以減少有害影響的煙草。這導致了發展的戒菸產品

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