
2008-08-28 11:27 pm
Early developments
Tobacco had already long been used in the Americas by the time European settlers arrived and introduced the practice to Europe, where it became popular. At high doses, tobacco can become hallucinogenic[citation needed]; accordingly, Native Americans did not always use the drug recreationally. Instead, it was often consumed as an entheogen; among some tribes, this was done only by experienced shamans or medicine men.[citation needed] Eastern North American tribes would carry large amounts of tobacco in pouches as a readily accepted trade item and would often smoke it in pipes, either in defined ceremonies that were considered sacred, or to seal a bargain[9], and they would smoke it at such occasions in all stages of life, even in childhood[10]. It was believed that tobacco was a gift from the Creator and that the exhaled tobacco smoke was capable of carrying one's thoughts and prayers to heaven[11].

回答 (3)

2008-08-28 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
煙草已長期被用來在美洲的時間由歐洲定居者抵達,並介紹了實踐到歐洲,在那裡,成為受歡迎的。在高劑量,煙草能成為致幻[引文需要] ,因此,土著美國人並不總是使用藥物recreationally 。相反,它往往是消耗作為一個entheogen ;之間的一些部落,這樣做是唯一由經驗豐富的巫師或醫學的男子。 [引文需要]東區北美部落將攜帶大量的煙草在郵袋作為一個樂意接受的貿易項目,並往往會煙霧,它在管道,無論是在界定的儀式被認為神聖的,或密封討價還價[ 9 ] ,他們將煙霧,它在這些場合,在生命各個階段,甚至在童年[ 10 ] 。據認為,煙草是一個禮物,從創建者和認為,噴出的煙草煙霧是有能力貫徹自己的思想和祈禱天堂[ 11 ] 。
2008-08-29 3:10 am
煙草已經,久有在時間之前被用於美洲歐洲人移民者到達而且介紹它變成了很受歡迎的歐洲給練習認識。在高度地劑量,煙草能變成致幻性〔需要的引用〕; 因此,美國原住民不總是娛樂地使用藥物。 相反地,它時常當做 entheogen 被消耗; 在一些種族之中,這只被富有經驗黃教的道士或巫師做了。〔不可或缺的引用〕東方北美種族將會攜帶 [l 1].
參考: 譯言堂
2008-08-28 11:37 pm
煙草已經,久有在時間之前被用於美洲歐洲人移民者到達而且介紹它變成了很受歡迎的歐洲給練習認識。在高度地劑量,煙草能變成致幻性〔需要的引用〕; 因此,美國原住民不總是娛樂地使用藥物。 相反地,它時常當做 entheogen 被消耗; 在一些種族之中,這只被富有經驗黃教的道士或巫師做了。〔不可或缺的引用〕東方北美種族將會攜帶 l

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