
2008-08-28 9:56 pm
我想把這段中文譯為英文,但限於英文水平低怕出錯, 請幫幫我, 唔該.
內容: 很高興收到你們的電郵及相片,Nataly很漂亮,我亦已轉發給其他親戚,期待以後能收到更多你們的電郵及你們一家和你們的女朋友的相片, 代我問候你的父母.

回答 (9)

2008-08-28 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. So glad to receive your email & the photos enclosed. (to後面的verb不轉tense)
2. Nataly is so pretty, I have forwarded the photos to other relatives.
3. I am looking forward to receiving more emails from you, hopefully, with the photos of your girl friends. (looking forward to比較polite一點, looking forward to的to後面動詞一定要 ing)

it's glad to receive your email & the photos enclosed. Nataly is so pretty, I have forwarded the photos to other relatives. I am looking forward to receiving more emails from you, hopefully, with the photos of your girl friends.
My best regards to you & your parents
參考: 第三個ans. 及自己
2008-09-01 10:07 pm
Very high □receives you □□□and the photograph, Nataly is very
attractive, my □□□other □relative, had also anticipated later
will be able to receive will be more you □□□and you □and you
□girlfriend's photograph, generation of I □will wait you the
2008-08-29 1:21 am
很高興收到你們的電郵及相片,Nataly很漂亮,我亦已轉發給其他親戚,期待以後能收到更多你們的電郵及你們一家和你們的女朋友的相片, 代我問候你的父母.
I am so happy to receive your email with photos attached. Nataly is really pretty. I have forwarded your email to my relatives. I am eager to have more emails from your family as well as the photos of your girl friend in coming days. Do say hi to your parent on behalf of me.
2008-08-28 10:49 pm
Very happily receives your electricity postal and the photograph,
Nataly is very attractive, I have also retransmitted for other
relatives, anticipated later will be able to receive are more you the
electricity postal and you and your girlfriend's photograph,
generation of I will send regards you the parents.
參考: Yahoo! 聰明筆
2008-08-28 10:32 pm
很高興收到你們的電郵及相片,Nataly很漂亮,我亦已轉發給其他親戚,期待以後能收到更多你們的電郵及你們一家和你們的女朋友的相片, 代我問候你的父母.

I am really happy to receive your letter and photos . Guess what ???? I do think that Nataly is pretty . I am sending those photos to others and I hope to hear much more good news from you and send more photos of your family and girlfriend .
The best regards ,
2008-08-28 10:19 pm
Receives your email and the photograph very happily, Nataly is very attractive, I have also retransmitted for other relatives, anticipated that later can receive are more you the email and you and your girlfriend's photograph, generation of I send regards you the parents.
2008-08-28 10:16 pm
很高興收到你們的電郵及相片,Nataly很漂亮,我亦已轉發給其他親戚,期待以後能收到更多你們的電郵及你們一家和你們的女朋友的相片, 代我問候你的父母.
So glad to received your email & the photos enclosed. Nataly is so pretty, I had forwarded the photos to othere relatives. I am expecting to receive more emails from you, hopefully, with the photos of your girl friends.
My best regards to you & your parents.
參考: Own
2008-08-28 10:01 pm
Very happy to receives your electricity postal and the photograph,
Nataly is very attractive, I have also retransmitted for other
relatives, anticipated later will be able to receive are more you the e-mail and you and your girlfriend's photograph,
generation of I will send regards you the parents.

May be你可以自己稍微改一改;]
參考: 聰明筆翻譯+自己小小
2008-08-28 9:59 pm
Very happily receives your electricity postal and the photograph,
Nataly is very attractive, I have also retransmitted for other
relatives, anticipated later will be able to receive are more you the
electricity postal and you and your girlfriend's photograph,
generation of I will send regards you the parents.

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