
2008-08-28 8:28 pm
1. there is the doorbell.it__be jack.
lt ____ be jack, he 's away on business.為何答案是must , can't 不是can , mustn't?
2.Why did you sit and watch? You _me.為何是could have helped.不是should help?
3.Must l finish the homework this evening?
No. you __為何是don't have to ,不是mustn't?
4.Put on more clothes. you _be feeling cold with only a shirt on.為何是must ,不是would ?
5.Did you punish him for his mistake?
yes . but l _so.答案選擇:A shouldn't have done B rather not do C shouldn't do D better not do 要求解釋
6 No one _that to his face.為何答案是dare say ,點解?中文解釋是?
7.He ought _have done so even is possible.
答案選擇:A not to B to not C not D never
8.___my uncle 's house frequently at one time?
為何是Didn't you use to visit?求解釋
9.He _______here by now if he had started at six
為何是ought to have arrived ,不是ought to arrive ?
10.Need l clean the classroom now?
yes, you ____答案為何是must , 不是need (唔係對應咩)?
11.The united states couldn't have becomes a grat advanced country...為何become有個s?
12.His son is _of the two boys over there.
為何是the taller, not the tallest?
13.The film was _that l had expected.
為何是far better,不是quite better,點解?

回答 (2)

2008-08-28 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 有人按鈴, 呢個一定係jack (It can be jack. 呢句嘢啱grammar, 但唔啱對話既意思, 呢個可能係jack, 即係廢話, 如果人地問你Who is outside? 你答it can be jack, 都可以, 大家都係估估下)
根住要cant be, 代表人地否定你既可能性, 回應你話"must be", 如果佢話must not, 意思變咗"唔可以係jack"(言下之言佢唔想jack返黎)

2. you could have helped係一個句式,即係話你"本來"可以幫手既(隱藏既意思係你而家乜都無做, 用past perfect去帶出now既結), 用you could help就只係簡單講咗你有能力幫手

3. 同第一題一樣, you dont表示你唔需要, you mustnt表示佢唔想你或者唔容許

4. MUST係強調咗佢既肯定, WOULD其實唔錯得晒

5. A, 因為佢話咗YES, 即係已經罰咗, 其實BCD都冇呢個意思, 佢罰咗, 但係我其實唔應該咁做, 似第二, 過去發生既事引申到現在結果

6. 無人夠膽當面同佢咁講 (dare say) (darn't就係唔夠膽)

7. ought not to (ought to 其實就一個phrase, 用法好似should), ought to not就唔啱grammar

8. 轉返普通句式(非問句), used to 係指你以前經常做既嘢, 例I used to swiming everymorning(言下之意而家唔會常做或唔做), used to係常用既句式,死記

9. 我會揀ought to arrive, 因為if clause前後正常唔會一齊用past perfect, 都係前因帶出現既後果呢個concept

10. you must即係你一定要做(無得你唔做), need只係講有需要做


2008-08-28 15:48:38 補充:
11. 真係冇理由有s

12. 平時用the tallest個意思係"最", 細個教你要三個以上, 但其實語法上, 兩個人都可以用最, 譬如廣東話呢隊球隊係其中一隊最好(the better of XXX)

13. quite better 唔啱語法, quite good"即係不錯", far better, 即係遠遠好過好多字都可以用, much faster, a lot better....總之quite唔可以根一個有比較意思既字

2008-08-28 15:55:43 補充:
12. 再補充, the taller即係兩個人入面最高果個, 你固有既語法雖然話唔用得, 但實際上黎the taller亦都經常用到

2008-08-28 16:18:21 補充:
2008-08-28 10:49 pm
1. there is the doorbell.it__be jack.
lt ____ be jack, he 's away on business.為何答案是must , can't 不是can , mustn't?

門鐘響bor, 一定係Jack 喇.
無可能係Jack架喎, 佢去左工幹嘛.

2.Why did you sit and watch? You _me.為何是could have helped.不是should help?

點解你靜係坐係度望住我? 你可以幫下我手架嘛. (You could have helped me)
If you use should help, then the sentence would be like this..... 點解你靜係坐係度望住我? 你應該幫我手.

3.Must l finish the homework this evening?
No. you __為何是don't have to ,不是mustn't?

我係咪一定要今晚做完曬D功課? 唔係, 你唔洗今晚做曬佢.
If you use mustn't, the sentence would be like this.... 我係咪一定要今晚做完曬D功課? 唔係, 你一定唔可以今晚做曬佢!

4.Put on more clothes. you _be feeling cold with only a shirt on.為何是must ,不是would ?

著多幾件衫啦, 你著得果一件衫一定係好凍啦.
If you use "would" it will be like, 你會覺得凍.

5.Did you punish him for his mistake?
yes . but l _so.答案選擇:A shouldn't have done B rather not do C shouldn't do D better not do 要求解釋

I pick A: shouldn't have done
Yes, but I shouldn't have done so. 有, 但係其實我唔應該咁做.

6 No one _that to his face.為何答案是dare say ,點解?中文解釋是?


7.He ought _have done so even is possible.
答案選擇:A not to B to not C not D never

I choose B: to not
He ought to not have done so even if is possible.
如果佢可以的話, 佢都唔應該吳咁樣做.

8.___my uncle 's house frequently at one time?
為何是Didn't you use to visit?求解釋


9.He _______here by now if he had started at six
為何是ought to have arrived ,不是ought to arrive ?

因為ought to have arrived 只, 如果佢六點就開始出發, 佢而家就已經到左啦. If you use "ought to arrive", it will be 佢而家就到.

10.Need l clean the classroom now?
yes, you ____答案為何是must , 不是need (唔係對應咩)?

我係唔係一定要現在清理班房? 係, 你一定要(立刻清理這班房)
"Need I clean the classroom now?" - 這句句子好明顯係有個學生俾老師罰, 唔係唔會咁講, it would be like "Do I need to clean the classroom now?" 所以答案不是need, need 係解需唔需要, 但係係個學生犯錯, 所以佢冇得揀, 一定要做.

13.The film was _that l had expected.
為何是far better,不是quite better,點解?

這套電影比我想像還要好! (好欣賞)
If you use "quite better", it would be like 這套電影比預期好. You kind of lost the excitement/tone in the sentence, and the satisfaction from viewing the movie.
參考: my own determination

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