to helping ?? 點解to 後的help 要加ing 呢?有例句。

2008-08-28 7:17 pm
Mrs. Larson devoted herself to helping her students improve their english.

to helping ?? 點解to 後的help 要加ing 呢?

回答 (3)

2008-08-28 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
平時to + verb (in general form)係 to-infinitive ge做法
係某一堆verbs 特定要用

而devote oneself to裡面to 係作跟住devote呢個verb要用ge preposition
"helping her students improve their english"係成句noun phrase
姐係一個大action 唔係一個statement

而唔係平時ge to-infinitive
not> devote oneself to do something
is> devote oneself to an action
參考: me
2008-08-28 7:45 pm
問題唔係to 後面, 係devoted to 呢個句式後面既動詞要轉咗gerund, 即係加ing, 請死記
等於寫信looking forward to hearing from you

2008-08-28 11:47:06 補充:
判斷用咩並唔係只睇個to, 要留意to之前用咩字, 呢種例子唔少, 多加注意
2008-08-28 7:23 pm
to 後面加-ing form 係gerund, 簡單來說就是將動詞加上-ing 變成名詞的一種文法
參考: 自己

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