
2008-08-28 6:53 pm
1. 減息期係咩情況會發生?
2. 佢對當地經濟, 樓市同股市有咩影響?

回答 (2)

2008-08-28 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
減息期 monetary easing cycle means the central banks will cut interest rate during economic recession in the countries. As the borrowing costs and the interests from depositing money into the banks are lowered, investors and businessmen would increase investments and people would consume more, the economy should be recovered soon thus the housing and stock markets would move up too. This is one major application of Keynesian model: Y=C I G (X-M) to explain why when the economy is recessing, the central banks should cut interest rate to stimulate the economy: by increasing investments and through positive multiplier effect, the real GDP would be increased. Increase in real GDP= increase in investment / (1-MPC).
2008-08-31 3:45 am
參考: 自己

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