what is (16/81)^-3/4,thanks?

2008-08-27 10:55 am
i got 3

回答 (7)

2008-08-27 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 / (16/81)^(3/4)
1 / 8 / 27
2008-08-27 11:07 am
= ⁴√[1/(16/81)³]
= ⁴√[1/(16³/81³]
= ⁴√[81³/16³]
= ⁴√[(3³ x 3³ x 3³ x 3³)/(2³ x 2³ x 2³ x 2³)]
= 3³/2³
= 27/8
2008-08-27 11:01 am
16 = 2^4
81 = 3^4
so 16/81 = (2/3)^4
(16/81)^-3/4 = (2/3)^-3 = (3/2)^3 = 27/8
2008-08-27 11:00 am
2008-08-27 11:19 am
2008-08-27 11:09 am
81 = 3^4
16 = 2^4
(16/81)^(-3/4) = (3^4/2^4)^(3/4) = (3/2)^3 = 27/8
2008-08-27 11:01 am
16 = 2^4 and 81 = 3^4 so (16/81) =(2/3)^4 Hence
(16/81)^-3/4 = (2/3)^(-3) = 27/8
Keep in mind "Negative index means corresponding power of reciprocal"

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