too much and too many

2008-08-28 7:44 am
too much and too many點解?

too much係數唔數到的?





回答 (5)

2008-08-28 7:54 am
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其實too much and too many 都=[太多]...

不過too much 係數唔到

too many係數到..


There are too many fruits.[水果係數到,,so用too many ]

I have too much rice.[飯係數唔到]

*多素有s既都係用too many
參考: me
2008-08-28 8:15 am
too much係數唔到的

How much money do you have in your pocket?


How many questions do you have to ask me about this?
2008-08-28 7:55 am
我地唔會講too much apples架嘛!!
當然係too many apples架啦~~

too much係數唔數到既!
too many係數到既!

參考: 旁邊的哥哥
2008-08-28 7:54 am
“too many”和“too much”都是解作「太多 / 過多的」, 但是它們所形容的名詞的性質卻不相同:
“too many”用來形容可數的眾數名詞,如:“too many books (太多的書)”, “too many watches (太多的手錶)”等。

What is a countable noun?
a) It is a noun which is for things we can count.
Examples of countable nouns: table, bag, school
We can say: one table, two tables... one bag, two bags...

b) It usually has a plural form:
Examples: table > tables | bag > bags | school > schools

“too much”用來形容不可數的名詞,如:“too much soft drink (過多的汽水)”,“too much ice (太多的冰)”等。

What is an uncountable noun?
a) It is a noun which is for things we cannot count.
Examples of uncountable nouns: tea, sugar, water, air, rice.

b) Uncountable nouns are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.
Examples: knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.

c) They usually do not have a plural form. They are used with a singular verb.
Examples: we cannot say "sugars, angers, knowledges".

d) We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of one of these nouns, we use a word or expression like:
some, a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, a great deal of...
2008-08-28 7:58 am
too much 同too many都係解太多。

too much係用係數唔到ge野(即係唔會加s/es 個d),eg too much salt/meat/bread...

too many係用係數到ge野 (即係加到s/es個d)eg,too many apples....

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