英文作文! How will you spend your summer vacation [15點] 中譯英

2008-08-28 6:06 am
In summer holiday, 我學習了許多課外的知識,更學習到不同的外語。

*(唔該各位幫幫手,幫我張篇文中翻英...如果唔夠150字,希望咁多位高人幫我搭夠呀..唔該!! 感激不盡)

回答 (1)

2008-08-28 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope this can help but the wordings - around 160. so maybe u need to edit it. I am sorry if I misunderstand your original meaning.

In summer holiday, I have learnt lots of outside-classroom-knowledge and several foreign languages as well. For example, I went to China to experience of village life - while we could take any kinds of transport to go from places to places efficiently here in Hong Kong, whereas in China villages we could only either ride on bikes or go to places on foot. Therefore, those villages comparatively enjoy better air quality since there exited low air pollution.

Contradictory, there has been too many cars in Hong Kong such that people have to live under the problem of air pollution, which further affects the living quality here in the place and the overall beauty of Hong Kong's scenery. After I came back to Hong Kong, I realized I must contribute to environment protection - while we take something away from the nature to support our living, we also must take up actions to maintain its beauty and that means we shall have a responsibility towards our environment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 15:59:56
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