問一問grammar ..thanks

2008-08-28 1:57 am
Simultaneity, the main finding and the case study analysis will be come up in this chapter.

will be coming up or come up ????

回答 (3)

2008-08-28 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 第二位朋友比較啱, 因為will be coming up 後面通常要跟一d時間既嘢, 例, will be coming up shortly, 你咁樣grammar上用come up會好d
2. 但我又想問點解會用Simultaneity, 呢個字同字係名詞, 文法唔啱, 應該用simultaneously, 意思係同時地
句式應該轉做: the main finding and case study will come up simultaneously
(因為用咗simultaneously, 你用will be coming up都得)
3. 意思上有問題, 呢兩樣嘢唔會同時"come up", 一定有次序, come up既意思係出現, 或就黎出現(coming up), 到底你係想指個結果同研究同時進行定係同時出現, 呢個要搞清楚
4 一般情況我覺係the main finding and case study will be available separately, 或者你再補充下個意思然後再一齊研究下
2008-08-28 2:26 am
I would rather put it like this:
The main finding and the case study analysis will be coming up in this chapter simultaneously.
simultaneity - it is a noun, meaningless to put it at the very beginning of a sentence.
simultaneously - it is an adverb
2008-08-28 2:05 am
Should be : will come up
Since this is not a passive voice sentence, there is no need to use the word "be" in the sentence. Therefore :
Simultaneity, the main finding and the case study analysis will come up in this chapter.
參考: Myself

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