Student come!

2008-08-27 11:54 pm
Well, i am a boy.
It was really stunning that 3 month ago most of my friend are saying i am the most handsome guy in my class....

A girl(josy) then treat me very good,chat with me when i am unhappy and soon i fell in love with her....
But with schoolwork and exam, we no longer talk or even say hello to each other....

My friends say she love me, and i have also tell them i love her too.... but we still did not become bf and gf as i never ask her out....

Problem start last week and i talk to another girl in the class.... The fd of her then say i am a very bad guy who want to have a lot of gf and it spread like wildfire....

Josy soon heard abt this and ask me through SMS that weather i have a new target and dont want her....

What should i do?Why they spread rumour that are not true?

回答 (6)

2008-08-28 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔知你睇唔睇得明中文, 所以打英文...但係我的英文都唔好得去邊...
Problem start last week and i talk to another girl in the class.
You said 「My friends say she love me, and i have also tell them i love her too」,,,,,,, If you love her , why don't you tell her you love her too ? tell her why you have to talk to another girl ....... 「Josy soon heard abt this and ask me through SMS that weather i have a new target and dont want her」Is that true ? If no, you should do something for her and let her know that you still love her .......
2008-09-06 5:46 am
u said u love her too, but never ask her out, why? coz u are not sure, right ?
so ask her out if you still love her, that's all !
2008-09-06 12:11 am
you still like Josy
2008-08-28 7:08 am
If you still like Josy .. you must tell her`
If you don't like her anymore .. don't hurt her .. If you don' start with her ..
you two are still fdz .. but after you start with her .. maybe you will lose a fd!

Think it carefully`
Good luck!
2008-08-28 1:29 am
參考: me
2008-08-27 11:58 pm
Hello I love you.

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