浸會大學MA in Communication Professor一問

2008-08-27 11:09 pm

MA in Communication到有3科我都想讀,我想知有邊d科係有用/冇用。
1) Issues in Corporate Communication
taught by Mr WONG Doon Yee, Charles or
Dr Hung, Flora C J

2) Organizational Communication
taught by Dr Sheer, Vivian C or
Prof Yu, Xuejian

3) Consumer Insight
taught by Dr Yuen, Royce M C


1) Foundations of Communication Study
taught by Prof Yu, Xuejian or
Prof Yu, Xuejian or
Dr Song, Zhaoxun or

2)Approaches & Methods in Comm Research
taught by Prof Ma, Ringo C L or
Dr Guo, Steve Z S



回答 (1)

2008-09-11 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Issues in Corporate Communication
taught by Mr WONG Doon Yee, Charles -->佢本身係一個警察黎既, 主要係警察同人民既公共關係, commercial既可能就唔太知喇or
Dr Hung, Flora C J -->佢一出黎就係教書,冇o係商界返過工,佢都話自己係theoretical一d, 但佢做過好多research,好厲害既一個老師

2) Organizational Communication
taught by Dr Sheer, Vivian C --> 佢係專教org comm既,好似話教得幾好or
Prof Yu, Xuejian -->佢o係美國教過好多年, 本身係comm studies既Doctor

3) Consumer Insight
taught by Dr Yuen, Royce M C -->佢好勁架!好多經驗!已經o係呢行做左成廿年,好似而家係ceo tim, 由intern做到而家咁,所以必take


1) Foundations of Communication Study
taught by Prof Yu, Xuejian -->佢幾好,好活學or
Prof Yu, Xuejian or
Dr Song, Zhaoxun or

2)Approaches & Methods in Comm Research
taught by Prof Ma, Ringo C L --> 佢好跟syllabus教既, good teacher or
Dr Guo, Steve Z S -->佢比ringo解釋得清楚d, 同埋生動d,但可能冇咁跟syllabus教


參考: 聽一個同professor好熟好既mphil朋友講

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