
2008-08-27 9:48 pm
France could never forget the insult. It decided to take revenge on Germany and restore its national glory. This, together with some other factors, helped to bring about the first international conflict of the 20th century - the First World War.

The First World War (also called World War One or WWI) was the first war ever fought on such a large scale in the history of mankind. Unlike the Napoleonic Wars, it involved not just the European countries but 31nations from five different continents.

By the early 20th century, different factors, suchas economic and colonial conflicts, extreme nationalism, the armaments race and the alliance system, had already created tension among major European powers. Then in1914, the Sarajevo Incident took place. This set off the First World War, which was to last till 1918.

After the Industrial Revolution, Britian became the most powerful nation in the world. Other European powers, such as France and Germany, also speeded up their industrialization process in order to become stronger.

From the late 19th century, European powers began to impose high tariffs on foreign goods. This was to protect their local industries, since the foreign goodsafter paying traiffs would become more expensive than the local goods. At the same time, European powers wanted to get more raw materials and a larger oversesas market for their industrial goods. So they began to compete for colonies.

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2008-08-28 2:06 am
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第一次世界大戰(亦叫 World War One,簡稱WW1)是人類歷史上大刑的戰爭,不似拿破崙戰爭,因為這場戰爭牽涉到31 個的歐洲國家
在二十世紀初,不同的因素,例如經濟上,殖民地的衝突,極端的民族主義,軍事比賽,加上聯盟化,引致在歐洲勢力當中造成一些緊張局勢,到了1914年,塞拉耶佛(玻茲尼亞澤哥維那共和國首都) 事件發生,於是爆發了這場第一次世界大戰,直至1918年完結

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