
2008-08-27 7:24 pm

回答 (3)

2008-08-27 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. When you get off from Eurostar, you are already in Paris . Then from Paris to Switzerland you need to add France as one selected country for Eurail Selected Pass , unless you buy a separate train ticket from Paris to Switzerland .

2. If you Pass has included Germany and Netherland, then you have no problem to use the Pass in Germany . However you cannot use the Pass in Austria unless it is a non-stop train, i.e. no stop in Austria .

For any countries you have selected, cross cities is no problem. Cross countries may be a problem if the train stops at the city which you have not selected.

3. 自選4國5天,所指的五天是否只計跨國境所用的? - No, the 5 days are also counted for any travelling on the train within 1 country. For example, even if you buy 4國5天, but you stay all 5 days in Germany, your pass cannot be used anymore, no matter whether you are using train in Germany or not.

我會逗留在德國數天,那麼期間還能夠用自選火車証於境內火車嗎?Yes, but only within 5 days.
Note :
The best way to use a selected pass is to select how many countries you will visit, and then calculate how long will you stay in one country. For example if you do just passing France but not staying there, then better not to include France in the countries you select.
I think it is quite impossible for you to choose a 5 days pass for 4 selected countries, because it means that you have only 1 day in one country. The only possibility for this pass is that you are just using it for long journey from country to country, while inside the country you will either buy separate train ticket or use other transportation. In my experience using trains to tour around each country is the best way, because other transportation is not so convenient.

參考: Myself
2008-08-28 12:42 am
1) as your train including a stopover, therefore, you pass need to include FRANCE
2) you already mentioned it. No Austria on it, how can you travel in Austria? Choice is COUNTRIES instead of routing
3) The day that you travel, already count as ONE day, no matter is cross country or not. The day is count as departure day, if you have a cross country travel which you arrive on the same day of your departure day and you use the local train within the same day, still count as ONE day.
2008-08-27 8:22 pm

由倫敦到巴黎乘搭 Eurostar, 然後由巴黎到瑞士也是乘搭火車. Eurostar 是不計算在火車證內的, 但法國至瑞士一段火車呢 ?? 那麼為什麼不用購買法國一段 ?? 法國一段必須購買. 簡單來說, 只要你曾經在該國的鐵路坐火車, 你就需要購買該國的火車證.
這個問題有點 confused. 奧地利, 德國及荷蘭 (荷比盧) 分屬三個區域. 如果你的行程是由德國去荷蘭, 你的火車證只需包括德國和荷比盧就已經可以了. 但如果你從奧地利出發, 經德國到荷蘭, 你的火車證就要同時包括奧地利, 德國及荷比盧三個區域
這個是概念上出錯. 火車證不是只容許你來往國與國之間的. 不適國內或國際線路, 一樣可以使用火車證. 例如在德國法蘭克福, 你可以使用火車證到德國的慕尼黑, 這是國內列車班次. 亦可於德國法蘭克福, 用火車證搭火車去荷蘭的阿姆斯特丹, 這是國際列車班次 (但你的火車證必須包括荷蘭和德國).
4 國 5 天火車證, 5 天的計算不是指你可以乘 5 天國際線, 而期間國內任你搭... 只要你搭上火車, 不論去什麼地方, 國內線也好, 國際線也好, 10 分鐘也好, 10 小時也好. 也會當作 1 天使用的. 簡單來說, 你可以搭 5 天火車, 在指定範圍內由邊度去邊度冇所謂, 但一開車便用了一天的限額 !!!
參考: Living in Paris for a year before + Personal travel experience

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