如題, 老師要我睇三篇短文, 之後俾咗個question我, 要我作篇交, 但我唔明佢問乜
In a focused, well-written analysis, compare or contrast how Twain, Rodriguez and Gould address the role of conformity for individuals and society.
Twain (Corn-Pone Opinions): http://www.paulgraham.com/cornpone.html
Rodriguez (Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood): 搵唔到online的, 不過係話一個墨西哥的小朋友第一日係美國返學唔識講英文, 之後個老師要求佢家長都係屋企都講英文. 漸漸個小朋友d英文好叻, 但反而d墨西哥話就唔識講!
Gould (The Creation Myths of Cooperstown): http://www.naturalhistorymag.com/master.html?http://www.naturalhistorymag.com/editors_pick/1989_11_pick.html
希望大家可以幫到我, 唔一定要睇唒所有短文, 你淨係答我咩叫"the role of conformity"都得!!唔該!!