
2008-08-27 4:16 pm
compiete the following short paragraph with the correct words.you may need to use your own words words from the passage.the firsh letter of each blank hasbeen given to you as a clue.

PorfessorUeno live happily with his dog Hachiko.The dog was always at the
station to meet him at 3p.m.In 1925,the professor died but the dog1.c_____________to wait for him at the station every day.People felt 2.p_____________
for him and gave him food.Some people even3.c___________________to the
station to see him.The dog followed his master's4.d______________in 1934.
A newspaper5.p_________________this faithful dog's story and many people
were6.m_______________.Finally,a statue of Hachiko was7.p_____________on the exact spot where he had waited for his master.

回答 (3)

2008-08-27 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Porfessor Ueno live happily with his dog Hachiko.The dog was always at the station to meet him at 3p.m. In 1925, the professor died but the dog1. continued___to wait for him at the station every day.People felt 2. proud___for him and gave him food.Some people even3. came_____to the station to see him.The dog followed his master's4. death____in 1934.A newspaper .published___this faithful dog's story and many people were6. miserable___.Finally,a statue of Hachiko was7.placed___on the exact spot where he had waited for his master

2008-08-29 23:09:48 補充:
revised on question 2. it should be the word "pity" (憐憫;同情)

2008-08-29 23:14:54 補充:
revised on question 6, it should be the word "moved" ( 使感動 )
2008-08-27 8:51 pm
1) continued
2) sympathetic (would be a better choice)
3) came
4) death
5) published
6) moved
7) placed
But seriously you should be doing your OWN HOME WORK!
Which grade are you in? This is a very simple English home work.

2008-08-27 12:53:19 補充:
2) Passionate but I think Sympathetic is a more suitable word here.
2008-08-27 4:44 pm

參考: 我

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