English S.2-S.3 (20點)

2008-08-27 7:38 am
A> Circle the correct answers.

1. John has been in Mexico for a long time so he ( used to eat / has got used

to eating ) spicy food .

2. If you go to Spain , you will soon ( used to take / get used to taking ) long

naps called siestas , in the afternoon .

3. Yuki lives in Japan , so she ( is used to driving / used to drive ) on the left .

4. Around the world today , children ( are used to hanging / used to hang )

Christmas stockings near the fireplace or in their rooms .

5. After having spent a week in Thailand , Mary ( has go used to eating /

is used to eat ) Thai curries .

6. Even thought my aunt has lived in England for many years , she is still

not ( used to going out / get used to go out ) in the cold weather in winter .

7. The Democratic Republic of Congo , a country in Central Africa

( used to have / is used to have ) the name of "Zaire" from 1971 to 1997 .

8. In ancient China , brides from rich families ( used to ride / are used to

ride ) in red bridal sedan chairs .


B> Have you ever wondered how people in ofter countries selebrate their birth
days ? Match the traditions with the people .

1. The children's ears are pulled as many times as their ages .

2. Birthday candles are left burning all day long until the birthday person

blows them out at night .

3. The birthday person receives a clap for each year of their age , plus one

more for good luck .

4. a flag is flown outside a window to symbolise that someone in the house

is having a birthday .

5. The birthday children have their noses rubbed with butter for good luck .

6. Larger presents are given to the birthday child at the age of 5 , 10 , 15 ,

20 , and 21 .

A. Germans

B. Canadians

C. New Zealanders

D. Italians

E. Dutchmen

F. Danes

回答 (1)

2008-08-27 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Part A:
1. used to eat
2. get used to taling
3.is used to driving
4.are used to hanging
5.is used to eat
6.get used to go out
7.used to have
8.are used to ride

Part B:
1. F
2. D
3. C
4. E
5. B
6. A

希望幫到你!! =_=

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