
2008-08-27 7:33 am
請從以下兩條問題,各選出一句正確的英語句子 :

A. The girl complains to her boy friend that he is often late.
B. She always goes to the library on Sundays.
C. The sun always rises in the east.

A. I have made my house in the suburbs.
B. I have bought a new home.
C. He lives with his family now.

hk_chynadoll 兄... 可 否詳細 解釋吓 為何其餘的錯

回答 (5)

2008-08-27 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雖然這些句子似是而非, 我認為正確答案係
She always goes to the library on Sundays.
He lives with his family now.
為何我認為其他錯呢? 睇下你是否認同我的解釋!
A) She complains to her boy friend that he is often late.
她向男友投訴, 他經常遲到。
依我理解, 這句子並無交代她何時投訴, 係「經常投訴」定係「某一次投訴」, 如果係經常投訴, 應該寫成 always complains 。 所以, 這句只是「某一次的投訴」, 應寫成:
She complained to her boy friend that he is often late. (用 past tense)
C) The sun always rises in the east.
「太陽由東邊升起」這是大自然的定律, 是永恒不變。句子不應加上 always 字, 否則, 句子就變成「太陽經常由東邊升起」, 咩有D時候會唔係咩?
正確係: The sun rises in the east.
A) I have made my house in the suburbs.
要表達「我最近在市郊定下來居住」, 其實有句專用的講法, 就係 make one's home somewhere, 所以這句應該寫成
I have made my home in the suburbs.
B) I have bought a new home.
雖然, 許多時候, 我地都當home 係 house禁用。 但嚴格來講, house 解「我間屋 (即是住所的意思」, 而解 home 我的家 (屋企)」。最正確係: 我買左個新居 (即住所 = house), 而唔係話「我買左個新屋企 (即是家 home)
正確係: I have bought a new house.


2008-08-28 03:25:35 補充:
home 和 house 的分別在於, home 係「家」 (一個抽象名詞), 指一個感覺溫馨, 與家人同住的安樂窩, 指既係那種舒適的環境, 而house係指間「屋」 (即是個實物), 指座建築物本身。所以如果要講買「新居」, 一般情況係唔會話 buy a new home, 除非係例外的情況而這方式的表達係屬於「否定句」, 就有機會見到。由於無上文下理, 所以我亦不作複雜的假設。

例: 錢係買唔到幸福! (否定句)

2008-08-28 03:40:25 補充:
我想再重申「太陽由東邊升起」呢一件係絕對「啱」的事, 無需再加其他形容frequency 的用詞, 例如 always, often, usually ... 等。 如果加上這些用詞, 就會將 「一件原本一定「啱」的事」形容為只係大部份時候係啱, 而有小部份的時候就不絕對啦。所以要小心運用!

2008-08-30 03:28:56 補充:
"make one's home somewhere" 用法的參考資料:

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary (上面數落第8本字典)
用Pull-down menu: Edit -> 用"Find" function (輸入"retire"), 就即刻去到有關例句

When I retire, I'll make my home in Bournemouth.

2008-08-30 08:59:41 補充:
SORRY!!!!! 原來之前誤解了 "always" 的意思, 佢除左可以解「經常」, 還有「恒久∕永遠」的意思, 所以"The sun always rises in the east." 係絕對正確的, 從字典仲可以找到此一模一樣的例句。

always = perpetually, everlastingly, continuously.

所以 "The sun always rises in the east." 解作「太陽恒久不變地在東邉升起。」

2008-08-30 09:32:37 補充:
致於另一句 "She always goes to the library on Sundays." 才是錯的, 原因係這句子用 always, 表面意思似乎係「她經常在星期日去圖書館」, 但係實際表達的意思並非我們想像那般, 此句解「她每逢星期日就會經常去圖書館, 係一日之內去完一次又一次, 去好多次先為之經常」, 這樣才是這個用法的真正意思。所以係不正常的用法, 正確係 "She goes to the library on Sundays." 就已經足夠了!

2008-08-30 09:33:40 補充:
參考資料 http://www.wwenglish.com/epaper/en/1/6250.htm (最尾一段)

留意always是说‘永远都是如此’,不可当作‘常常’解。所以,He always goes to school一语是荒唐的:‘他总是去上学’是什么意思呢?改说He always goes to school at 7:30am则合理了:‘他总是早上七点半去上学’。

2008-08-28 12:28 am
Q1 – C : The sun always rises in the east.
簡析:Always強調總是、一直都是,often 指常常

Q2 – C : He lives with his family now.
簡析:House、family、home 的中文意思都是家,但house側重住房、地點;family側重於家庭成員,強調的是人;home最具感情色彩,不僅包括家人共同生活的場所,還包括家庭親情、天倫之樂
參考: 經濟日報《No More Chinglish》
2008-08-27 8:51 pm
hk_chynadoll 兄
可否解釋一下 其餘的為什么錯
2008-08-27 3:47 pm
For all sentences in Q1 and Q2, I cannot find any mistake. They are all correct in grammar and meaning.
參考: Myself
2008-08-27 9:02 am
Q1: C. The sun always rises in the east.

Q2: C. He lives with his family now.
參考: 自己

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