
2008-08-27 6:36 am
要STEP thx

2. 0ne number is 18 greater than another number . if the smaller number is subtracted from three times the greater number,the result is 78 . find the sum of the two numbers.

3. ABCD is a square . if AB =3x+3 and BC=5x- 11 ,find the area of the square.

4 if a triangle has height [10-2x]cm,base 9cm and area [7-x]cm2. find the value of x

5.the sum of two numbers is 56 and the difference is 22. find the larger number

回答 (2)

2008-08-27 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let s be the smaller number.
Then, the greater number = s+28

3(s+28) - s = 78
3s + 84 - s = 78
2s = -6
s = -3
s+28 = 25

The sum of the two numbers = -3 + 25
The sum of the two numbers = 22

ABCD is a square.
Hence, AB = BC

3x+3 = 5x-11
-2x = -14
x = 7

Length of each side = 3(7) + 3
Length of each side = 24 (units)

Area of the square = 242
Area of the square = 576 (square units)

(1/2)(9)(10-2x) = 7-x
45-9x = 7-x
-8x = -38
x = 4.75

Let the larger number be n.
Then, the smaller number = n-22

The sum of the two numbers:
n + (n-22) = 56
2n - 22 = 56
2n = 78
n = 39

Ans: The larger number is 39.
2008-08-27 6:41 am

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