
2008-08-26 9:43 am


回答 (4)

2008-08-30 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
唔駛搭飛機?? You need to spend 1個半月 to go to Europe by boat lah...

You can take plane to go England, then go other European countries by train or bus. Because going London from HK is usually the cheapest route to enter Europe. Air ticket is around 3500HKD to 4500HKD, depending on which airline and season. You can try British airline or Air France.

Also, you should get a International Student ID (about USD22)


Because you will get discount in many museums and trains ticket.

Also buy an Europe pass. Especially if you travel a lot of different countries, really worth it. But it doesn't include Euro Star from London to Paris.

From London to Paris, you can take overnight bus. Cheaper than Euro Star.

And when you travel from one country to another country, better take overnight train, so you can sleep on the train, and save money on hotel.

Eat bread + water because even Mcdonald in Europe is pretty expensive, e.g. in France, one meal is about Euro6.1

If you are boy, you can see on line if any internet friend can accomade you for free or cleaning house as exchange.

If you want to stay 1-1/2month, including plane ticket + euro pass, I think you better set the budget around 20000HKD lah...

By the way, do not forget to buy travel insurance. Medical in Europe is really expensive.
參考: Live in France
2010-04-25 4:32 am
did you know british cities are full of nasty religious extremist catholic and muslim islamic INDIAN -- study next to you and wanna to screw you around ?

scribd.com online doc site -- shortened URL >>

2008-08-27 6:39 am
In Australia , you dont even have enough money to rent a room man !!!
the cheapest single room is about 100 AU ( 700 HKD ) per week
---->>>>> 2800HKD per month ,
and remember that you have to pay expenses too, at least 350 HKD per week la !
of course you can stay in Backpacker , then they will usually provide everything for you haha ! but it is about 120 to 170 AUD per week la

for example,
you should book ur air ticket earlier ! and may choose " cheap airlines " like Jetstar , tiger air .......

haha i think it takes a month to get there !!! haha not worth !!

good luck man
2008-08-26 10:11 pm
3000 港幣用一個月, 一天只是 15 澳幣, 除非晚晚訓街, 只留在一個地方, 去第二個城市搭順風車, 仲要所有景點唔駛去... 都未必捱到... 搭程巴士都要幾蚊澳幣啦.
你係香港 3000 蚊都未必夠用一個月啦 (唔好唔記得你係香港唔駛比租金)
澳洲消費比香港貴 2 倍 !!! 3000 蚊, 一係 10 年前, 一係佢講大話,再唔係佢真係超人, 我冇說話講..

2008-08-26 14:12:42 補充:
同埋, 如可以, 請問問佢點樣搭船去澳洲...

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