
2008-08-26 7:58 am
頭髮/血液DNA 可以嗎,teeth?

回答 (3)

2008-08-28 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
嬰兒至少年期: 可以觀察[腦筍]閉合的情況. 幼時頭蓋骨係分成幾塊的, 慢慢長到接合, 接合處慢慢長出彎彎曲曲的紋理. 所以, 話人地[腦筍都未生埋] 就有[年少無知]既意思. 觀察下閉合既階段, 可以約略估計年齡.
幼兒至青少年期: 出乳齒, 換恆齒, 全都有個時間表. 數一數出左幾多隻, 換左邊幾隻, 已經可以估計, 準確至2-3年啦.
另外, 看關節的x-光片都得. 例如手板既x-光片中可以看到指骨之間既虛位. 仍有虛位的話, 這個人仍處於發育期, 全填滿的話, 呢個人都會高定左啦. 女仔就會大過18歲, 男仔咪大約21歲以上囉.
成年人: 智慧齒不可作準, 有d人七老八十, d智慧齒都唔會長出黎. 成年人可以用超聲波照骨質密度, 按人口統計數據估反轉頭囉. 仲有牙齒既磨損程度, 都可以準確至10年啦.
頭髮/血液DNA 呢, 都唔係冇可能不過而家唔知有冇呢隻科技喎... 如果有, 可以看染色體盡頭有幾多repeats, 因為佢同年齡成反比例. 不過, 未聽過是否可行. 咁當唔得先啦.
參考: 自家意見, 歡迎批評指正.
2008-08-27 4:53 am
I am sorry that the answer will be in English because the computer I am using now only has English input.

Hair, blood cannot tell you your age. DNA can roughly tells you because at the end of the DNA there is a cap to prevent DNA lost. However, the length of the cap will decrease each time the DNA replicate, so you can roughly guess how old you are if you can get some stem cells from your bone marrow and compare how much cap have you lost. But theis way is very inaccruate.

Teeth can also roughly tells as well but you will have to get a whole mouth X-ray to see the teeth that still inside the gum such as Wisdom teeth.

The way coronor usually used to examine the ages is by the bones. Adult's bone normally has a maximum length that they can grow into, so by measuring the length of bone can roughly tell the age group of a person.
參考: Myself and physiology textbook
2008-08-26 8:10 am
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