
2008-08-26 7:33 am
B.Write sentences about the following picture using passive voice.

e.g Eating or drinking/prohibit a.for the disabled.

1.The‘Keep Quiet’ sign/put b.in the library.

2.Users/require c.in the audio-visual corner.

3.Lavatory2/reserve d.on the wall.

4.A librarian/employ e.look after the library.

5.Computers/place f.to queue up for borrowing or
returning or returning books.

e.g. Eating or drinking is prohibited in the library.

回答 (2)

2008-08-26 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The "Keep Quiet" sign is put on the wall.

2. Users are required to queue up for borrowing or returning books.

3. Lavatory 2 is reserved for the disabled.

4. A librarian is employed to look after the library.

5. Computers are placed in the audio-visual corner.
2008-08-26 9:49 am
1. The "Keep Quiet" sign is put on the wall.

2. Users are required to queue up for borrowing or returning books.

3. Two lavatories are reserved in the library.

4. A librarian is employed to look after the library.

5. Computers are placed in the audio-visual corner.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 16:20:48
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