
2008-08-26 6:51 am
我除左中文拎到b同英文拎c之外,maths phy chem bio都d哂






回答 (3)

2008-08-29 4:16 am
1. 如果你去考航空公司的cadet,機會一定微
但如果你有錢自己俾,只要你有錢同pass左medical check,便可以正式同訓,自己俾錢的話人地學校大多數要保你畢業,因為你畢業唔到都幾煩
2. 讀好你的中學
3. 基本上所有航空書都可以
4. 250小時CPL traning+約3個月的密集式ground school,約12個月完成兩者課程,便可以成為名格商用機師
如要成為機長,你的ATPL必須生效,你必須要有1500小時飛行經驗,包括一百幾小時的pilot in command等等


2008-08-28 20:18:27 補充:
2008-08-26 5:27 pm
First of all I am sorry I am not able to type in Chinese.Hopefully someone
would able to help you understand my answer.In the same time i am glad to
hear you have a dream to become pilot in your future.I will take my time to
answer all the questions you have and give you good advise as I am a pilot
for United Airline for last 9 years.From your describe you only have d grade
in your maths,chem and phy.You know where your weakness is.I would
encourage you to spend more time in these areas.Pilots are require having a
good math,and phy in their academy classes.It's very important as part of the
flying is relate phy and when you do flight plan it would need lot of math.

My opinions as follow.1.I am sorry but I need to be honest with you.In your
case with lower grade in math and phy,it would be bit difficult for you to
become pilot.2.What you can do now is spend more time in math and chem
and phy in your school and your own.If there something you don't understand
in math,phy and chem,ask your teachers i am for sure they would help you in
your needs.Also buy some books is relate chem and phy in lower level and
spend sometime to study it and build up your weakness from there.3.This is
the book is highly recommend by me and many other pilot's.Name of the book
is Pilot's Encylopedia of Aeronauitcal Knowledge.This book cover many areas
from single engine plane how it construct to airspace and airport operations.4.
To become pilot,first you need to pass the 60 weeks training@Adeliade first,
from there you will earn the license from Hong Kong aviation administration,but you still need another 1500 hours in order for you to earn the ATPL(air
transport pilot license).

Good luck to you and hope you can become one of us in your future.If there
anything else I can help you pls email me,I will more than happy to help you more

2008-08-26 09:28:46 補充:
The book I recommend to you is approve by Federal Aviation Administration.You can find it online at www.skyhorsepublishing.com

2008-08-29 07:43:24 補充:
Pokok.If you take a look at requirment from Cathay and Dargoan airways,Phy and math are part of the requirment.

2008-08-29 07:45:09 補充:
You can't count of computer all the time,when computer are down is it mean the entire operation need to stop?Do you know how long it would take to earn the CPL?

2008-08-30 22:44:06 補充:
Captain would need more than 1500 hours flying time,usually between 8 to 10 years of time,it
depend by the airline policies.
2008-08-26 4:53 pm
我arm arm 去左聽一些做飛行員的講座,做飛行員普通話要好流暢,英文溝通方面要好流暢,先可以的,在正式做飛行員之前仲要去模擬要做飛行員的!到機師都要一個月到啦!
參考: 以上的都是我去完國泰城,佢地話我知的

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